We create custom-made Openings of anything you wish. The duration of the opening is based on how important you, but also we, experience the opening to be. Examples of what we can open are: festivals, restaurants, roads, parties, operas, exhibitions, performances, dinners, houses, boats, speeches.
We will create custom-made Closures/Funerals for anything you wish. The duration of the funeral depends on how important you, but also we, experience the funeral to be. We can for example close/bury: businesses that have gone bankrupt, buildings before they’re demolished, shops, roads, parties, guinea pigs, exhibitions, festivals, dinners etc. We help you to say goodbye.
Order Reading Out Loud by your bedside. The reading can be done for you only, or in company of a discrete audience that will listen with you. We can read from where you left off in your own book or bring something we’d like to read.
Order your favorite song, and we will learn it and sing it for you. You can choose if you would like an audience or not.
Do you want company from one place to another? We will come to your house, and walk with you to where you are going.
We will amplify whatever you wish, by being there ourselves or provide you with a small gang to reinforce the service. Amplifying is a service where we, Morten and Marie and possibly more, come to you and do the same as you, or as someone else you think needs Amplifying.
We help you to disappear for a while. An example could be: You are invited to a party that you don’t really feel like going to. But you don’t feel like sitting at home alone either. We will make sure you can lie under the couch at the party, without anyone knowing you are there.
Revenge is an encircling of an individual. We keep an eye on the person the service is ordered for, enclosing her/him/hir over time, gradually increasing the intensity, and strike. We also create more specific revenge and are open for suggestions.
Hate Session is recommended for the one who has a need to hate intensely for a short while. We let you go on, rant, uncensored and
incorrectly, in safe hands. Hate Session is a service practiced after recommendation by doctor Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad.
Our two concerts, Everyone has Regrets and The Organ is an Extension of our and Teigens Lungs, are both based on songs by Jahn Teigen. The concerts duration can be adjusted to fit the occasion or be merged together as one. The concerts work well in foyers, by coffee tables, in living rooms, libraries, nursing homes, parks, afterparties, hotel rooms etc.
Wolf Menu consists of a series of night services. They are done in the forest, at dawn, at dusk or in the dark. The services in the Wolf Menu can be ordered one by one, in combination, or as a full menu.
Surrounded by Wolves
Order a pack of wolves. We follow you into the forest to a chosen spot. There we’ll sit down and let ourselves be surrounded by wolves. We listen to how the wolves are running, light-footed and agile through the woods. Through their significant sound vocabulary where for example howling signifies belonging, we will understand the social complexity of the wolf pack. If you wish, you can get to know the differences in being surrounded by the pack and being one of the wolves surrounding.
Howling at the Moon
We follow you into the woods and make sure we always find a spot with a full moon. There we will spread out so that we sit by ourselves, but close enough to be a group with a common focus. Together we howl at the moon for five minutes.
Howling in Cars
Howling in Cars is about howling in speed across long distances. We drive on dark forest roads with the windows rolled down. On extra beautiful spots we will stop the car and do some extra howling. Howling in Cars is done in groups of up to five people.
We run in a row, light and quiet with warm socks over our shoes. The service is especially beautiful at the crack of dawn. Feel free to dress in grey.
Lone Wolf
We follow you into the forest and abandon you there for a while only to find you again. Lonely Wolf is a service for one audience member, but works well in combination with many of the other wolf services that is done in a group. The wolves howl to meet or avoid meeting each other. When a close friend disappears from the pack the howling often increases.
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing/To Wolf
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing/To Wolf is a knowledge which you may have found in your own body, through the different wolf services. The knowledge, supple and elegant shifts easily in and out of situations, helping you to get what you want. It takes care of you and keeps your own nature in place. Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing stays with you if you continue to nurture it by actively wolf around every day.
We will take on the whole of you, and your relation to the world.
Light Therapy is a conversation about light between Morten and Marie. The conversation is recorded. Together with the audience we will lie down in a dark room and listen to this conversation. Afterwards we will go out and stand in the light.
Therapy for Gardens consists of services for plants in gardens. You can order full Therapy for Gardens, where the focus lies on the relation between plants and care for the whole garden, or specific orders for single plants or vulnerable areas in the garden. The specific orders we perform are:
Emotional grass cutting
Stem touching
Shaking of bush
Leaf massage
Talking with weed
Stand with hedge
We cleanse the room from what has been, and prepare it for what will come. Room Cleanse can be done in all types of spaces. For example we clean ceilings and walls in performance spaces from old art, so that the coming art can come to its full potential.
We play Disney from two sound sources and move them around your body, as close to your skin as possible without touching it. During the time of the Skin Cleanse the function of the skin as a distinct division between the body and the world dissolves.
Right to Vote is a service that works best together with others. We recommend you to order it as a group. It consists of three parts; voice warm up (easy singing exercises that we do together to get our voices warm and prepared), take a stand (find a place in the room where you wish to stand), and voice your vote (yes/no).
We make sure to entertain you while you are waiting. Please come with suggestions on how you would like to be entertained during the break, or leave the suggestion to us.
Do you need a little break from the festival mood? We can help you find a calm place where we sit/lay down together, and make sure nothing happens for a little while. The service works well for both small and large groups, and can be done for example, in a foyer.
It can be good for your body to lie or stand under pressure for a little while, for example in between the floor and another body. You can order a steady, even pressure spread over your whole body or on specific body parts. We help you find the right place and setting for Body Pressure, as well as the right amount of pressure.
We lift you up, and comment on what happens to your face while you are held up. It can for example be nice to order a Facelift for someone you like, at a party or at other social events.
We get your key or get locked into your apartment and make a few refreshing rearrangements for you. We prefer to exercise our Rearrangements at nighttime.
We observe you in you everyday life: how you move through the streets, at work, in the store, what tempo you have, who you talk to and not, how you dress etc. Following we will come with suggestions of changes. It can be on a small or large scale.
Sneak Dance is performed in different intensities and dimensions to, above all, instigate and impose vitality. During the festival we place the Sneak Dance orders wherever we feel they are needed. In that way, your order helps to take responsibility for the overall atmosphere of the festival.
When we/you/they have given it all but someone still wants more, we can help with an encore.
Animals and Beasts is the title of a series of services for animals. The services will take place where the animals reside or live, for example in stables, farms, cages, forests or fields. The audience themselves join the execution of these services. They work especially well for children.
Björnen sover for Sheep
Together we sing well known childrens songs about animals, for animals. For example Björnen Sover for sheep.
Concerts for Cows
Concerts for Cows is a concert of different tones of a bell. We talk about the cows experience of music with the children, hand out bells, practice a bit, before we slowly walk into the stable.
Music for Wild Animals
We play music, wildly and uncontrolled in the forest.
Disco for Doves
We spread out breadcrumbs and slowly fade in disco music. Together with the children we observe the doves way of dancing and their rocking head movements, then we practice on dancing together with them.
Standing with Horses
We stand with horses, preferably on the outside, but if you wish, also within the fence. We observe how the horses stand together, and work on standing like them / the horses observe how we are standing, and work on standing like us.
Moose Safari
We will look at video footage of mooses running. Afterward, we will run together with the moose, in parks, streets, big spaces or in the forest.
We accept orders on making music videos and commercials. As a starting-point we are open to take on all types of orders and contexts, both vague and specific, but we won’t advertise for anything. Send your request and we’ll make an assessment. If you always dreamt about being the star of a music video, we will help you with the shooting and concept development. If you wish to have others than yourself in the video, we’ll happily put our bodies and voices at your disposal.
If you wish, you can pick and choose from the menu and order your own combination of services. For example:
Revenge in combination with Encore,
Companion in combination with Song,
Funeral in combination with Music Video,
Room Cleanse in combination with Intermission Entertainment.
OPENINGS by Marie Bergby Handeland and Morten Liene. Supported by Norsk Kulturråd and Fond for utøvende kunstnere
OPENINGS is a service menu for festivals. It consists of forty different services the audience can order whenever they want throughout the festival. In practice, the services are power shifts, where everyone can expand who a festival is for, what it contains, and where it takes place. OPENINGS work to push festivals further out and into the nooks and crannies of villages and towns. If we look at the festivals as maps, by the time we leave, we want to have tread new paths - connections, moods, places, friendships, dramaturgies and time intervals. This is how we create our own festival within the festival, and as a whole, a choreographic and political work. The work has been created through conversations, meetings and negotiations between us, the audience and the festival management. The basic value of the work is based on opening up and involving the audience in an artistic process.
With and by: Marie Bergby Handeland and Morten Liene
Financial support: The Norwegian Art Council and FFUK
2019 Kortreist Dansefestival, Inderøy
2019 Vinterscenen, Porsgrunn
2018 A Fine Selction. Confirmed., MDT Stockholm
2018 Lovsang for Kunstnernettverket, Arendalsuka
2018 Multiplié Dansefestival
2017 bLEST Litteraturfest, Tysvær2017
2017 Litteratursymposiet i Odda
2017 Teaterfestivalen i Jailer
2017 Ravnedans, Kristiansand
2017 Sånafest, Hølen/Son
2017 Norsk Litteraturfestival, Lillehammer
2017 Romrenselse av Voie Kirke
2017 Snikdansing, Dans for Satan, Voie Kirke
2017 Begravning av handicaptoalettet, Teateret i Krs
2017 Åpning av Lik Forlag, Litteraturhuset i Krs
2017 Seremoni, innvielse av leder Scenekunst Sør
2017 Romrenselse av Scenehuset
2016 De Grønne Festival, Oslo
2016 Ravnedans, Kristiansand